All Theatres companies in London, London, United Kingdom
The full list of companies in the Theatres category in London, London, United Kingdom. We invite you to view the complete contact details, opening times and other information about Theatres in London.
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- An Inspector Calls The Playhouse Theatre Northumberland Avenue, London, London WC2N 5DE 02078 394292
- Andrew Fell Ltd 4 Ching Court 49-51 Monmouth Street, London, London WC2H 9EY 02072 402420
- Background Ltd 167 Wardour Street, London, London W1F 8WP 02074 794700
- Badejo Arts Ltd Harmood Community Centre 1 Forge Place, London, London NW1 8DQ 02074 824369
- Barons Court Theatre The Curtains Up 28a Comeragh Road, London, London W14 9HR 02089 324747
- Big Wheel Theatre P O Box 18221, London, London EC1R 4WJ 02076 898670
- Bill Kenwright Ltd 106 Harrow Road, London, London W2 1RR 02074 466200
- Billy Chicago Ltd Suite 16 199 Piccadilly, London, London W1J 9HA 02072 878333
- Birmingham Stage Co Sixth Floor/Linen Hall 162-168 Regent Street, London, London W1B 5TG 02074 373391
- Blue Box Entertainment Queens House 7 Leicester Place, London, London WC2H 7BP 02074 344214
- Bollywood Theatre Co 50 Harrington Road, London, London E11 4QW 02085 564090
- Box Clever Theatre Co Ltd Unit 12 g1/The Leather Market Weston Street, London, London SE1 3ER 02073 570550
- Bridge Lane Theatre 49 Ossulton Way, London, London N2 0JY 02084 440505
- Brix Theatre St Matthews Church Brixton Hill, London, London SW2 1JF 02072 746470
- Camden Peoples Theatre 58-60 Hampstead Road, London, London NW1 2PY 02079 165878
- Cameron Mackintosh Ltd 1-2 Bedford Square, London, London WC1B 3RB 02076 378866
- Candoco Dance Co Unit 2l/Leroy House 436 Essex Road, London, London N1 3QP 02077 046845
- Cardboard Citizens Ltd 26 Hanbury Street, London, London E1 6QR 02072 477747
- Caught In The Act Ltd The Brix Brixton Hill, London, London SW2 1JF 02077 332950
- Centre Stage Hotel & Theatre Breaks 14 Leicester pl, London, London WC2H 7NG 0800 335588
- Chantal Arts & Theatre Ltd 17 Valmar Road, London, London SE5 9NG 02077 385613
- Chicken Shed Theatre Co 290 Chase Side, London, London N14 4PE 02082 929222
- Cholmondeleys Dance Co Lafone House 11-13 Leathermarket Street, London, London SE1 3HN 02073 788800
- Clarion Promotions Ltd Estate House 130 Jermyn Street, London, London SW1Y 4SD 02079 305349
- Clerkinworks Borough Hall Royal Hill, London, London SE10 8RE 02088 586356
- Cole Kitchen Ltd 7 Great Russell Street, London, London WC1B 3NH 02075 802772
- Collective Artistes holland house unit 6b Brookmill Road, London, London SE8 4JT 02086 942333
- Company Of Angels 126 Cornwall Road, London, London SE1 8TQ 02079 282811
- Concert & Theatre Bookings 40 Tavistock Street, London, London WC2E 7PB 02072 406070
- Court Theatre Training Co The Courtyard/10 York Way Kings Cross, London, London N1 9AA 02078 330870
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